Workshop Policies

Course Cancellation & Postponement Policy

Low Enrollment: Decisions on whether a class will be running or not based on course enrollment will be made one week before the class is scheduled to start. Students will be sent a reminder and notified either way regarding the status of the course.  

Weather: For weather-related closures, students will be notified of updates via email 3 hours in advance of the start time. If it is less than 3 hours before a class is scheduled to start, the students will be notified by email and over the phone.

COVID-19 Shut Down: In the case of a shut-down due to COVID-19, a full refund will be given to students if a class. 

Other Reasons: If, for any other reason, it is necessary for the Centre for Craft Nova Scotia to cancel a class, students will be notified immediately and given a full refund.

Course Refund Policy

Full Refund: Cancellations with 7 or more business days from the course can receive a full refund.

Partial Refunds: Cancellations with 4-6 business days of the course will only be issued a 75% refund, whereas cancellations with 1-3 business days before the course will result in a 50% refund.

No Refund: No shows and cancellations less than 1 business day before the start of class will result in charges of the FULL course fee and are NOT eligible for any refund.

*Please note: For courses missed for personal reasons of the registrant, we do not offer course credit to another term or makeup classes.